Un clin d'oeil à la Baronne Python pour son bavetton, ou bavoir nappe. Les parents pourront de suite comprendre l'utilité de cet objet, lavable à l'éponge, et disponible dans plusieurs motifs tous colorés et plus jolis les uns que les autres.
Congratulations to "la Baronne Python" for her bavetton, or the bib-tablecloth. Parents will understand straigth away the utility of this object, which can be washed with a sponge, and available in various beautiful colours.
Link: http://www.labaronnepython.com/032.htm
Congratulations to "la Baronne Python" for her bavetton, or the bib-tablecloth. Parents will understand straigth away the utility of this object, which can be washed with a sponge, and available in various beautiful colours.
Link: http://www.labaronnepython.com/032.htm
Superbe idée je trouve